Congratulations! You Are One Step Closer To Creating Generational Wealth For Your Bloodline.

Please dedicate at least 15 minutes to complete your application questionnaire.

Your Japa Buddy team will review your response in detail to locate the best universities for you.

Here are the 3 steps to prepare yourself to apply:

Know the requirements

You have between now and the next 48 hours to submit your application else your payment will be refunded.

The application form has 3 sections which are

  • Your personal information
  • Your vision
  • Educational information

To begin…follow these checklists

    • Click the button below to access the document version of the questionnaire
    • Make a copy of the document and add it to your drive
    • Proceed to step 2
    • Crosscheck for errors
    • Submit your application

Submit your PRIME BUDDY application questionnaire

Please dedicate at least 15 minutes to complete your application.

You can expect to receive an update via email in 1-3 business days after submitting your completed application

Keep an eye on your email inbox

Internal evaluation is carried out to ensure prime buddy is right for you.

You get an email response updating you about your status as a prime buddy.

  • If you are NOT selected…you will be issued a refund with its proof attached to the email. Your refund might take 7-14 working days before it reaches your bank account.
  • If you are selected…You will be notified of the number of slots available and you will be issued an invoice to update your payment based on the plan you selected.

If you’ve got questions email

Click the button below to subscribe to the Prime Buddy Newsletter.

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