Why Wait 6 months? When You Can…

Get Your International Passport At The Official Rate in 90 days...

[And Without Bribing Any Agent Or Immigration Officer]

It's no secret that…

Getting an international passport is hard.
It's also pricey. And the price isn’t worth the wait.
Stories of how people got scammed are all you hear.

Here’s your exclusive invitation to join a small handful of Nigerians who are doing it right.

Say bye-bye to endless waiting.
Get your international passport in 90 days or less at the official rate without bribing any agent or immigration officer.

Sounds too good to be true?

Well, you’ve got it mixed up listening to Nigerians who weren’t aware of this secret or never had an international passport.
Over 3 people have implented the 'how' and here’s what they’ve got to say…
I was blown away when Oyin told me I can capture tomorrow.

I previously believed that you'll pay not just the passport fee (#55,000) and few unofficial fees to get the passport sorted.

Oyin gave me the option of having my capture the next day which blew my mind, I however picked a convenient time because of my schedule .

With this, you won't be ripped off by agents. It's self taught. Saves time and could save you and everyone around you the hassle of paying exorbitant fees.
Victor Adetunji
Ondo State
Dear Japa-Driven Nigerian,
Who wants to live life to the fullest.
I say “Japa-driven” because you want to leave the shores of Nigeria to create a better life for you and your kids.
It’s a matter of urgency that you are in trying times.
It’s like the country and everyone within it is working against you.
But let me ask you a simple question…

What if you can get your international passport for a fraction of its cost with real-time updates?

It's 1000% possible.
This isn’t hearsay or assumptions.
It is coming from someone who has done it.
Hi, I’m Oyindamola Alao
I’m a copywriter and a marketing strategist.
I get paid thousands of dollars to write a page like the one you are reading now. And to create a marketing plan that triples profit and increases retention for coaches and tech brands.
In 2021, I was to get my international passport. The agent gave me an outrageous price (₦65,000).
That’s barely 2 months after I recommended my two friends to him (they paid ₦55,000). I never knew inflation affects international passports.
You can predict what happened next.
Told him, I will get back to him later.
But later never came till August, 2022 when my friend asked me ‘what’s your plan for next year? Do you mind coming over for your masters?’
That was when it dawned on me that I do not possess the Gold Priced International Passport. So I can’t cross the shores of Nigeria.
Before then, I had met someone who told me she got her passport for ₦25,000 in 2 months at the official rate. I was shocked to discover the official rate is ₦25,000.
Now that I’m ready, I was torn between validating the official rate thingy or going the expensive route (we were all doubting Thomas at one point).
And it led me to discover 5 International passport myths (more later).

My appointment slip showing my capturing date. I paid September 6th, 2022 and went for my capturing on October 17th (agents peeps wait 6-10weeks).

My International Passport with sensitive details blurred (gotten in 3 months).

Aishat picked a late capturing date because her document wasn’t complete. She captured on January 18th.

Oluwatomisin went for his biometric capturing in less than 48hours (I know that sound mystical but I came with receipts. Check the date and time).

Oyin saved me extra ₦45,000

Before I told Oyin about my desire to acquire international passport, I had gone to the immigration office and I was told cost ₦45,000 (without fast tracking). This isn't affordable to me if I will still be paying ₦25,000 for fast tracking.

Then Oyindamola showed me how I can self apply with the sum of ₦25,000. She saved me ₦45,000.

Self application is a wonderful thing to do because it saves you money and stress. Go for it!!!!!
Adeniran Aishat
Osun State

Now let’s debunk the 5 widely spread international passport myths.

The bible said “ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”
I’m here to help you set the record straight.
Myth 1: International passport costs ₦55,000 and above.
TRUTH: The standard passport cost
Let this be your new reality else you will pay more for less like this dude.

With ₦160K, you get six 32-page booklets with 5 years validity and ₦5K leftover to chill.

Myth 2: It takes forever if you don’t bribe your way in or use an agent..
TRUTH:That’s passport agent's slogan but it is far from the truth.
According to the Nigeria Immigration Service, fresh passport is ready in 6 weeks and re-issue in 4 weeks under normal circumstances (subject to booklet availability).
You avoid abnormal circumstances (read: agents interference) by self-applying. Because you get real-time updates (more later).
Myth 3: The Self Applied passport is only for local travels..
TRUTH: That’s a lie from the pit of hell. When you get your passport, feel free to go on a vacation to Maldives. Don’t forget to send me pictures of your adventures.
Either self-applied or through agents, you get same passport kind and quality.
Myth 4: Your International Passport is only a travel document..
If you’ve thought Oyin, “I’m not traveling out anytime soon so I don’t need a passport.” This is for you.
TRUTH: Your International Passport Is More Than A Travel Document
Your international passport validates your identity as a Nigerian. It saves you countless identity hassles.
Grab travel opportunities as they arise. Don’t be like Obinna’s friend who lost a prestigious travel opportunity because she had no international passport.
Seize professional opportunities. Praying for travel opportunities without international passport is like asking God for rain when you’ve got no bucket to store water.
Myth 5: International passport self-application is not real..
TRUTH:To validate its realness, I took the bold step of self-applying and got it in 3 months. If at this point you still have doubts then your mind need deliverance.
Close this tab. Locate any MFM church close to you for deliverance. You can come back once you’ve gotten a mind reset.
Still here?
I was skeptical till Oyin showed me proofs

I didn't really know much about passport and its application. All I knew is that you need to apply through an agent.

I made the payment online with my ATM card, it was easy and fast.

This gives you the knowledge on how to process your passport and help others do the same. I couldn't capture on my appointment day because I wasn't with my original documents. Go with your original documents so you won't have same issue.
Oluwatomisin Omojola
Lagos State
She was charged 85K. That’s 60k over the official rate.

Will you pay ₦85,000 to an agent when you can secure your international passport with ₦25,000?

Definitely not!
You are invited to Strategize Your Japa Dream (SYJD) MASTERMIND...join the exclusive few who are doing it themselves
This is beyond international passport self-application.
SYJD approach is Relocation + High Income SKill
SYJD is a tribe of japa oriented folks who are determined to go against the odds and get the best life has to offer.
With a single focus: japa with ease (read: I don't have to sell my kidney to japa)
Now you don't have to go bankrupt to japa. As a verified insider of SYJD, you are on a Do it With You mission where you are equipped with all you need to prepare and fund your japa dream
As a verified insider of "SYJD", you...

...Get access to “Strategize Your Japa Dream Vault” to discover hidden secrets of passport self-application

Heads up: I know your pasport is the first step in the japa mission and I'm addresing it first
This vault is 95% visual (videos) with supporting documents (5%)

Access to SYJD Live (plus replay)

SYJD live is a monthly masterclass on how to apply to school: what to consider before selecting your school, how to count your cost, deciding the best semester for you, how to hone your SOP, Essay writing and lots more that I won't mention on this page.

3 essential documents you need to apply :

60% of Nigerian adults don’t have one of these documents (birth certificate). It's neither hospital nor local government issued. Consider this before picking your appointment date. This document is vital if you intend to apply for visa. It is why some visa application gets denied. Even if NIS never cared, the embassy of the country you intend to visit cares.

How to get the required birth certificate in 24 hours or less

If you picked an early appointment date, I showed you how to get this document in 24 hours. It will take you more time if you do not know what’s needed. I didn’t have this document as well and it cost me an extra ₦10,000 plus stress. Being informed help you avoild the associated stress. I got it the same day I went for my biometric capturing.

How to select the best processing state :

This shortens your wait time by 50%. I wish I knew this when I applied. I would never have picked my processing state.

Applying for your passport :

Imagine me holding your hands and walking you through the entire process. It's satisfying.

Preparing For Your Biometric Capturing :

don’t skip this because the insights will save you self-orchestrated fear and headaches. This helps you avoid spending the money you don’t have on D-Day.

On D-Day :

You don’t need multiple visits like the agent peeps. Copying someone who applied through an agent means you want to waste your own time. This helps you save time. I got to my processing office on my capturing day by 12:30PM (first time there). With this, be rest assured that even if you get there by 12 PM, you will capture with those who rushed outta their house by 4AM.

And many more.

No irrelevant information dump. You get actionable steps required in each module.
But that’s just the beginning…
I want to sweeten the pot and throw in a few extra bonuses.

Become A “SYJD Insider” Today And You Will Receive These Special Bonuses

So you can activate your japa dream faster…Here is what you get:

Special Bonus #1: How To Track Your Passport.

Yes! You can track your passport and know when it is in production. I never knew this exist till I applied for my passport. Now no one can lie to you. You get to see it with your own eyes and you know what’s happening.

Now no one can sell you zobo about how it takes forever. You get to know when your passport is been produced.

You get notified when it is available. Imagine you just got this SMS…what will you do next? It’s time to buga.

Special Bonus #2: How To Fund Your Japa Dream

Here you will discover 3 core ways to fund your japa dream by tapping into existing opportunities.

Special Bonus #3: Exclusive access to a tribe of japa-minded folks.

You get to exchange ideas with japa-minded folks like you. This is a private support group (it is a safe space) created solely to help you self-apply and get your passport hassle-free. We provide answers to your questions. Overtime, we will bring you opportunities from across the globe.

Special Bonus #4: Masterclass on securing scholarships leveraging on Linkedin

The major difference between studying and living in the US and OPTION B is the absence GRE/GMAT, Proof of English test, Letter of recommendation and Statement of purpose. Yes! they don’t care about these things. And you will secure scholarship without these requirements. Now you are wondering what exactly do they request for… Well, they only care about 7 core documents which you can almost provide immediately.

Special Bonus #5: 90 days access to SYJD Platinum

You get access to daily scholarship updates and bimonthly personalized coaching on how to study and relocate to US, UK, Sweden and South America. This is a Do It With You Community where you are trained through all the processes involved including Visa Orientation. Your SOP, Essay, Resume, and Letter of Recommendation get reviewed. This includes 1:1 Q&A session with those who have gone same route. SYJD platinum cost ₦10,000/Month but you get 90 days access for free.

Straightforward + Zero Agents Stress

I was so excited knowing fully well that I have done the right thing without any agent stress and calling to remind someone, or dragging here and there.

You don’t want to hear the story of how my friends applied for int'l passport last year. They paid 65k and 50k respectively yet it took over 6 months get it out. They were both disappointed, the time frame for the processing was too long.

I don't have any doubt about Oyin’s process at all, it's very straightforward and comfortable for me because I already have about 95% of all my documents. Get it ASAP. The experience will make you comeback.
Abigail Olabisi
Lagos State
Now all that's on your mind is…

How much does it cost to become a “SYJD Insider?”

Because I know you aren’t comfortable with the amount agents charge.
And despite the terrific value...it comes at a shoestring budget.
But before that…

Let’s do some BASIC math…

An average international passport via agent cost ₦55,000
Let’s say the agent charged you ₦25,000 for fast-tracking. Yes, such fees exist and I came bearing receipts (it’s below).
₦55,000 + ₦25,000 = ₦80,000
This is where it gets interesting.
Average capturing date wait is 6-8 weeks via agents. Your 2 weeks only start to count after your biometric capturing. The irony is that 2 weeks is not guaranteed.
So you might get it after 6 months.
I conducted two independent surveys and only about 30% of the respondents got it in 2weeks (A- Pile). This means there is the B Pile (70%) who got it after 1month.
Why not can save yourself the extra cost and ambiguity—remove the middle man—and go for capturing the next week with the information inside SYJD Vault?
When you self-apply, it cost ₦25,000
That's ₦80,000 - ₦25,000 = ₦55,000
…you save ₦55,000
Extra ₦55,000 to get two more passports with ₦5,000 to chill.
Let's not even talk about travel consultation fee...it's throat slashing.

Now here are the receipts …

Her money don enter sunami
Will you pay 90K for 32pages with 5years validity when you can get almost 4 with same amount?
He paid 160K for 2 passports
42% get got it within 1-3months.
26.7% got it within 2 weeks
Now that you know why “Strategize Your Japa Dream” is a real deal...

“Let’s Talk About The Investment Required”

How sumptuous do you want it to be?


The price won’t stay the same forever.
ZC Japa Planner
ZC Grad School Application
ZC Visa Application
ZC STAR framework to create a winning CV
ZC Irresistible Preproject Template
ZC Japa Activation System
1 year access to the Zero Cost Japa System
Special bonus #1: Email swipes to contact Professors and department secretaries
Special bonus #2: Exclusive access to a tribe of japa-minded folks.
Special bonus #3: An integrated telegram support channel.
Special bonus #4: A database of Brazilian universities where no application fee is required.
Special bonus #5: Priority support line.
Special bonus #6: Exclusive access to dedicated education consultant.
ZC Mastermind: You have direct access to me for 6 months and you get hands-on training from experts to strategize your japa dream.
Budget Friendly


The price won’t stay the same forever.
ZC Japa Planner
ZC Grad School Application
ZC Visa Application
ZC STAR framework to create a winning CV
ZC Irresistible Preproject Template
ZC Japa Activation System
1 year access to the Zero Cost Japa System
Special bonus #1: Email swipes to contact Professors and department secretaries
Special bonus #2: Exclusive access to a tribe of japa-minded folks.
Special bonus #3: An integrated telegram support channel.
Special bonus #4: A database of Brazilian universities where no application fee is required.
Special bonus #5: Priority support line.
Special bonus #6: Exclusive access to dedicated education consultant.
ZC Mastermind: You have direct access to me for 6 months and you get hands-on training from experts to strategize your japa dream.
Budget Friendly

What if you can save ₦990,000 + headaches with just ₦10,000 today?

Remember our basic maths…
You save ₦55,000 by self applying for your passport with the info in the SYJD vault.
Suppose you decide to help two other family members of yours self-apply.
They save ₦55,000 each.
You save a sum of (₦55,000 x 3) = ₦165,000
And if you were only able to show 15 of your friends how to do it.
Your friends save (₦55,000 x 15) = ₦825,000
But you save ₦165,000 + ₦825,000 = ₦990,000 in total.
A tiny investment can save you from being cheated millions of naira by unscrupulous agents.
For a fee not enough to buy two Jazzy's burger (starts from ₦8,500)...you get access to a tribe keen about your japa dream and save you ₦990,000 + travel agent fee...
...done on your own terms (get the support you desire). And it is difficult to put a price on that. Click the big button below to get acesss now!
I captured a week after registration

I feel safer having someone to put me through the process. I didn't register earlier because I don't have someone to guide me through the online process.

I captured a week after registration. SYJD is a full package, it's worth it. Go for it.
Akerele Abimbola
Ondo State
If by now you are still on the fence and unsure if this is for you.
Here is something that will give you extra peace of mind.

Take a look at this powerful mastermind for 100 days…without risking a single dime (guaranteed!)

If you are only slightly interested in this tribe (I’m assuming you are to have read this far)
Then you have absolutely nothing to lose by becoming a “SYJD Insider"
You get all the benefits while I bear all the risks.
Here's what to do:
If within 100 days after purchase…you didn't find the resources listed in the "what's in it" section in your membership area...
…you are entitled to a refund with an apology for wasting your time.
And you can keep everything.
You can keep everything because you gave your Japa dream a shot. I know this is crazy. It is because I strongly believe in the guide. And I know you will feel the same way
You owe it to yourself to get in now.
To your japa dream success,
Oyindamola Alao
PS: Luck is when opportunity meets preparedness.
Let’s pretend you get a new job offering you an opportunity to go train for 2 years in another country.
And your employer asked you…”Do you have a valid passport?”
What will be your reply?
This time around you know it's less of your birth circumstances and more of you not prepared for your next.
There will always be opportunities lying around. If you can’t sponsor your JAPA dream then be ready to tap into available opportunities,
Now it's time to say “YES” to your next by putting this in place.
PPS: Ever heard of the phenomenon?
A phenomenon is when you attract more success in 12 months than in the previous 12 years.
The phenomenon doesn’t happen by thinking positively or affirming good things with no visible action.
Even though you can’t create the phenomenon, you can orchestrate it with behavioral congruency.
You wan japa abi? But where your international passport?
Absence of an international passport means your JAPA DREAM is a WISHLIST. Your behaviour isn’t congruent with your dream.
And that’s what I want to help you achieve. You do not need to pay unscrupulous amount for international passports when you can get it at the official rate.
Answer To Your Questions

Absolutely YES! This is beyound passport application. You will be equipped with all you need to activate, proccess and fund your japa dream

If you follow the laid out steps and chose a processing state with less volume. You get it within 3 months.

Provided all your documents are complete, you will only be spending about ₦3000 extra.

  • ₦500 – ₦1000 payment gateway charges
  • ₦500 – To the commissioner of oaths.
  • ₦500 – After your capturing (this is a nonofficial fee collected by the NIS officers. Even if you used an agent, you will still pay this money).
  • ₦500 – ₦1000 for stationaries (variable based on location). Some location will spend less than ₦300

Yes, This option is only available for the Deluxe insiders. Your passport application fee is 25,000 + ₦1000 gateway fee = ₦26,000. Once you choose Deluxe, you will send in your passport application fee if you want us to make the payments on your behalf .

No! You don’t need to know an agent or an immigration officer to be able to get your international passport. The guide is detailed on how to prepare navigate your biometric capturing. If you chose the deluxe experience option, you get access to private phone call to prepare you for D-Day.

Well, you can pay 90K and get it in two weeks if you have the money. The official process says you get it in 6weeks. If you follow the guide, you should get it in 90 days under abnormal circumstances and 6weeks under normal circumstances.

You get access on launch date if you preordered. After launch, the access is immediate. You will get immediate access even if you make payment at 3am.

You can drop your questions on the support group and myself or someone on my team will respond to you. If you chose the deluxe experience option, you can discuss all your pushbacks on the call. Also, you can reach out via our dedicated whatsapp support line

You stand to gain from this in 3 ways:

﴾a﴿ Prepare for your next by getting your passport before you need it. The tension with needing it won’t be there because you’ve dug your well before you are thirsty.

﴾b﴿ Show your friends the ‘how’. Before I created this course, I showed 3 of my friends how to do it.

﴾c﴿ Release others from agents bondage by letting them know the tried and proven way of passport self-application.

No! The process is different for Nigerians living abroad. If you need help securing your passport overseas, you can reach out to me here.

  • $130 for 32 pages with 5 years validity
  • $150  for 64 pages with 5 years validity
  • $230  for 64 pages with 10 years validity.

Any mistakes made when filling out your application will attract a trip to Abuja + 30,900 + Passport fee + charges.

The deluxé experience for convenience and it’s risk free. Choose this if you are the busy type and always in a haste.

Classic experience is for you if you’ve got patience and won’t miss a letter.

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